Life with Invisalign®: Teeth Hurt? Here’s What to Do.

At Pachter Orthodontics, we want to change lives through the power of a confident smile. One of our favorite options? Invisalign® clear aligners. (After all, it’s a transformation that’s totally discreet from start to finish!)

But let’s be honest—achieving that picture-perfect smile isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. Orthodontics can come with a bit of temporary discomfort. Luckily, Pachter Orthodontics is on the case. Today, we’ll discuss why teeth feel sore during Invisalign treatment and what to do.

Why Do Teeth Hurt During Invisalign Treatment?

This is a great question. If clear aligners are supposed to be more comfortable, why would your teeth sometimes feel sore when you wear Invisalign trays? Good news—it’s not nearly as often as you think!

Your teeth may ache during the first week of your treatment and for a day or so after switching to a new set of aligner trays. This soreness is actually a positive sign! It means your aligners are applying the gentle pressure needed to move your teeth into their new spots.

When treating more complex orthodontic issues, your teeth may require more movement in a shorter time, leading to slightly more discomfort. That soreness comes with a little more oomph, but it’ll only last a day or two.Now, let’s get down to dealing with discomfort when it appears.

Give Your New Aligners a “Rest”

So, you’ve just switched to a new set of aligner trays, and your teeth feel tender. One trick to help you combat this soreness is to wait until bedtime to put in your newest set of aligners. By doing this, you’ll sleep through the initial discomfort (it won’t be enough to disturb your beauty sleep). By the time you’re ready to take on the next day, you’ll be way more comfortable in those new trays!

Pick the Right Snack for Soreness

Be gentle with your sensitive teeth when eating. Stick to soft foods like mashed potatoes, yogurt, soup, and smoothies. Sore teeth are also an excellent excuse for ice cream since cold foods can also help! And if you have trouble chewing while getting used to your latest aligners, try cutting your food into bite-sized pieces.

Invest in Chewies (or a Smile Spa Day)

Did you know you can massage your teeth during Invisalign treatment to ease temporary soreness? Our first suggestion: Chewies! Invisalign’s aligner-safe Chewies properly seat new aligner trays, but you can also bite down on them throughout the day to soothe teeth.

Another option is gently rubbing your teeth and gums with an electric toothbrush at home. Trust us, this massage will be awesome. Remember to use a soft brush head and avoid putting too much pressure on your teeth and gums!

Finish Strong: Keep Your Smile on Point with These Invisalign Tips

Discomfort for more than a day or so is more soreness than we want. If you notice more pain or discomfort than usual, reach out to the Pachter Pros for some ortho care. We may need to adjust your path to smile greatness! Just give us a buzz so we can see those chompers ASAP.

Otherwise – now you know tooth soreness during Invisalign treatment is normal, and it indicates that your aligners are doing their job. By following these tips (putting in new trays before bedtime, eating soft and cold foods, and enjoying a nice tooth massage), you can enjoy a pain-free journey to straight teeth and a beautiful bite.

Ready to tackle this transformation? You’ve got this – time for a POsitively awesome ortho adventure!